Kick-off event Your Dynamics In Spiral

  • 25 Sep 2023
  • 18:30 - 20:30
  • Clockwise, Av. des Arts 44, 1040 Bruxelles
  • 8


Registration is closed

(Re)discover & (re)write the path of your life!

●        in which stage of my life am I now?

●        what are my deep values?

●        where abouts is my evolution in connection with that of humanity?

●        what sort of insights and new awareness can help me?

PWI Brussels Your Path is warmly inviting you to immerse yourself in a transformative process encompassing eight invigorating sessions. Step by step, you will traverse the eight stages of personal development, enveloped in an atmosphere of respect, benevolence, and unwavering support. Led by a seasoned professional coach, each monthly session taking place every third Monday will harness the collective intelligence of the group through participatory and generative activities.

Discover the core of our dynamics, unravel the paradigms that life presents, and unearth effective strategies to propel you towards success. Rewrite the narrative of your life as you embark on this captivating journey of self-discovery.

I) Kick-off event: Tuesday 25/09/2021 FACE 2 FACE

Before engaging in the 8 sessions, the kick-off event will be an opportunity for participants to introduce themselves in person and get to know each other before joining the closed group of “Your Dynamics in Spiral” which will be held online.

The kick-off event open to both members and non-members. It is a free event, Enjoy some complimentary drinks on us!

Please note registration is mandatory.


We cordially invite you to Clockwise, located at Av. des Arts 44, 1040 Bruxelles, where complimentary beverages will be available.

II) The 8 Sessions are held VIRTUALLY on ZOOM

Program Structure:

     Session 1: 16/10/23 #1 Level or stage 1

     Session 2: 20/11/23 #2 Level or stage 2

     Session 3: 18/12/23 #3 Level or stage 3

     Session 4: 15/01/24 #4 Level or stage 4

     Session 5: 19/02/24 #5 Level or stage 5

     Session 6: 18/03/24 #6 Level or stage 6

     Session 7: 15/04/24 #7 Level or stage 7

     Session 8: 20/05/24 #8 Level or stage 8

     Celebrations: Date to be decided mutually. 

The “Your Dynamics in Spiral” dates are on the 3rd Monday of the month* and all the sessions are conducted virtually on ZOOM. Mark them now in your agenda!

The program is free of charge. There is a fee of 120€ for the official online Spiral Dynamics assessment.

Only members of PWI Brussels and PWN Global are eligible to participate in the sessions. Please note that places are limited to 15 participants plus the two PWI volunteers.

 Registration dead-line Friday 15/10/23.

III) Farewell get together:

Celebrations session: A session to visualize the global picture of all the steps along the path. Celebration time with leadership gaming.

IV) Approach and Tools:

Each session will be facilitated using collective intelligence, participatory generative interactive tools and activities. Collectively, you will advance in a respectful, benevolent and psychological safe atmosphere.

V) What you will get from the “Your Dynamics in Spiral”:

●    Ten 2-hour intense sessions on concepts and practical exercises. 

●    Facilitated by a professional coach and Spiral Dynamics certified practitioner 

Ana Escarpenter  and co-facilitated by Ashrefunisa Shaik

●   Moving together, all participants at the same time, from one stage to the next one, unfolding individual and group transitions.

●    Exchange between participants on a voluntary basis for group support.

Get a feel for the impact of Your Dynamics in Spiral from last year participant’s testimonials.

Testimonial 1: Ilaria Narduzzi, Mastercard

Testimonial 2: Anonymous

Testimonial 3: Jeanne Els

What motivate you to join Your Path dynamics in Spiral

What kept you motivated to continue 1yr long programWhy do you recommend Your Path Dynamics in Spiral